eBook Publishing Made Easy and Awesome!

Turning your book into an eBook is simple! Get ready for Amazon Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Sony eReader and Kobo today, and simultaneously reach a whole new market of readers by publishing an eBook!

ebook publishing girl with an eReader

First Choice Books is an experienced Canada Self Publishing company with the ability to create an eBook for any print book for which we are also doing the layout and design. We will format your eBook so it looks just like your printed book, including a cover page that matches your book, optimized for eBook readers.

Sell Your Book on Amazon

First Choice Books will publish your eBook and set up the sales of your eBook on Amazon for you, no strings attached. All profits go directly to you. Once set up, you’ll administer all royalties and payments.

Contact us to find out more!

Phone: 1 250 383 6353

Email to Get Started Now!


How It Works: The Details

Our eBook publishing package is $350 for basic layout, and is available to authors for whom First Choice Books is also doing the layout and formatting of your new book for print. Complex layout estimates by request.

Our eBook publishing package includes a full reformatting of your book for Amazon Kindle and other eBook readers, including tablets and smartphones.

We can also help you create your own Amazon Kindle account and show you how to manage your sales.

We create our professional-quality eBooks from Adobe InDesign, then perfect the coding using HTML editors. This ensures that your eBook will display consistently — and attractively — across all types of eReaders.

Your Amazon Account

As a self-published author, First Choice Books can easily set up an Amazon account for your eBook sales. You will be able to:

  • Have First Choice Books upload and activate your eBook for you
  • Set your own price for the ebook, between $2.99 and $9.99
  • Monitor book sales and receive 70% from each sale. Amazon receives 30%.
  • If your book retails for $10, you receive $7, and Amazon $3.
  • Take all profits: First Choice Books is not involved in your sales beyond the initial set up, and takes no royalty.
  • Access the page on Amazon and make changes to the listing if necessary.
  • Use this account to sell printed copies of your book, from your own stock.

What if First Choice Books did not do the design and layout?

No problem! First Choice Books can happy help produce and publish an eBook for you using your Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign files. Send us the files and we’ll assess them for what it will cost to convert them to an eBook. Layout charges apply, at $80/hr. We cannot publish eBooks from PDFs.

First Choice Books did the layout of my book previously. Can I get that eBook published?

Yes! If First Choice Books did the layout and design of your book in the past, we can produce an eBook for you. 

Examples of eBooks built for First Choice Books authors

“Look inside” these books on Amazon!

Footsteps and Whispers by Elesa Willies

WIND IN YOUR SAILS: Vital Strategies That Accelerate Your Entrepreneurial Growth by David J. Greer

Seven Steps for Writing Effective Emails: Guidelines to save you time and energy in the workplace by Fiona Prince

Just Their Luck L.A.Donahoe


Please email: graphics@firstchoicebooks.ca