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Publicist – How to Get Your Book on the Market Fast!

A Publicist to Move Your Writing to the Next Level!

Publicist David Litvak

Recommended publicist  David Litvak


Giving clients wider visibility and a higher profile in the marketplace.

phone 604. 813.3903

email: davidjlitvak@gmail.com

David J. Litvak is a publicist/free-lance writer, originally from Winnipeg, who now lives in Vancouver. For ten years, he was the principal publicist at Granville Island Publishing in Vancouver. Today he manages his own company, Cascadia Publicity. During his thirteen years as a publicist, he has organized events for authors from all across North America and secured publicity and an interview for them on a variety of radio and television stations including Fox News, C-Span, CBC, Global and KOMO television.

David will help:

  • gain an interview
  • organize a launch, readings and author tours
  • facilitate book distribution in both the US and Canada
  • develop a marketing plan – may seem dry however absolutely ESSENTIAL to marketing your book!
  • procure book testimonials
  • write a press release

It is recommended to contact David if you’re an author who’d like more exposure in the marketplace BEFORE your book has been published – oftentimes, waiting until after means you’re too late!.

First Choice Books’ rule of thumb: 50% of your work is in writing the book… but the other 50% is in marketing it!