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Authors TV Interview – “Back to Vietnam” on Breakfast TV Winnipeg

Elaine Head and Bruce on Breakfast Television Winnipeg

The authors TV interview about what would it be like to revisit a place you’ve only known as a war zone, and be welcomed back with open arms.

Breakfast Television Winnipeg sat down with self-published authors Elaine Head and Bruce Logan yesterday to discuss their book Back to Vietnam: Tours of the Heart, which details why the books was written and Bruce’s first return visit to Vietnam since his time there as an Army officer during the American-Vietnamese War.


First Choice Books designed and printed Back to Vietnam for Elaine and Bruce in April of 2013, and published the eBook version in June 2013. Since then, these Salt Spring Island-based authors have been touring North America from Victoria to Oregon with readings and slideshow presentations related to their trips and work in Vietnam.

On their website, Elaine and Bruce describe their book as “…a personal odyssey of hope and reconciliation for us and our  surprise and delight on this unexpected turn on our path to retirement.”

After Manitoba, they will be bringing their presentation to Lake of the Woods Museum in Kenora, Ontario on September 27th at 7PM.

Authors TV Interview - Back to Vietnam

Find out more about Elaine and Bruce’s travels and their work in Vietnam at backtovietnam.com

Back to Vietnam is also available for Amazon Kindle.