+1-250-383-6353 info@firstchoicebooks.ca


Calendars are a wonderful way to show off your artwork and photography. Whether for sale or for gifts, a beautifully designed, full-colour calendar will be enjoyed all year round.


Beautiful Calendars to show off your artwork

Calendars are printed on 80lb coated silk or glossy paper, with a glossy cardstock cover. With saddle-stitch binding (stapled), calendars are 28 pages including the cover. This allows for a 13 month calendar, which can start at any month. (Please specify start month, if not January.)

First Choice Books can prepare the calendar for you, using your images

Here’s what to send us if you would like First Choice to design the calendar and prepare it for print:

  • Title The title, subtitle, and your name for the credits (eg: Hands, 2013 Calendar, Photographs by students of Saturna Elementary School)
  • Images for the cover and each of the 13 months, titled by month (up to 3 images per month, additional images per month $5 ea). We will place thumbnail versions of the months on the back cover. Photographs and illustrations should be high-resolution JPGs.
  • Captions If there are captions for the images, please send them in a separate text file (eg .doc, or .docx), labelled by month. (eg May: Narcissus flowers on Hope Point, Victoria, by M. Perkins)
  • Dates Up to 10 custom dates (eg family birthdays, important school dates, company milestones) included additional dates $2 ea.  Please specify which calendar to use for dates (Canada, US, or UK)
  • ISBN and Barcode If the calendar is to be sold in stores, let us know, and we’ll assign an ISBN and create the barcode for the back cover. The copyright, as with all First Choice publications, stays with you.

Once we have all the materials, we’ll design your calendar, and send you a PDF proof to view by email (eProof). If everything looks good, we print a proof on the same paper stocks as the final product for your approval. Once the final printed proof is approved, printing takes about 2 weeks. Plan around 4-6 weeks for the entire process, especially if shipping is needed.

DIY – Send Print Ready PDF

If you’re doing the design work yourself, send us a print-ready PDF.  TECH SPECS


Design work is billed at an hourly rate of $80. A simple calendar with one image per page would be around 3 hours.

Prices for printing range from $4-$12 ea, depending on quantity ordered.