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Publishing Birthday Lucy Gething's book "From "Why Not" to "Yes Dear""Publishing Birthday – Congratulations Lucy Gething!

Lucy is having a publishing birthday. We are thrilled to be printing and binding Lucy’s memoirs of her life, From “Why Not to Yes Dear”. Lucy and her book coordinator, University of Victoria, professor Hausi Muller, came by the office yesterday to pick up the proof of her book. With colour photos on just about every page, it’s printing right now on our new digital colour press.

 A Great Design Team

Hausi and co-editor Ulrike Stege laid out the book themselves, and First Choice Books designed the cover. Our graphic designers found a great shot of a Swiss flag in the mountains, and included pictures of Lucy climbing those same mountains in her teens from inside the book. Because the back cover is always important to readers, we put in more excerpts from the book and more photos, and also a picture of the Canadian flag over the Rockies, Lucy’s new home.

The book will be produced in hardcover. We’ll post photos of the books in the bindery on social media as they move through production.

Best moment of the day? When Hausi Muller showed the proud new author the foreword to her book–written by Switzerland’s Consul General to Canada, Urs Strausak. What a wonderful surprise!

Best wishes to Lucy, Hausi, and Ulrike, and congratulations on your birthday book Lucy, and your self-publishing success!
